8 Feb 2010 Keele SRA Day

Nice 7am start from Portsmouth, we were the first to get there.
Was great company, with the usually faces who tend to appear at the training days and a couple of my favourites, including Matthew Hemmaty and Peter Nicholls.

These are my notes from the day.
I hope they are useful to you.

Wise Buddah and Independant Radio - Becky and John from Wise Buddah
Wise Buddah does various things, talent agents, production.
Many broadcasters comission external companys to make programming for them
such as wise buddah, something else, unique, smooth operations

Performing Rights (PRS) - Music Creators Rights (composers, songwriters, lyricists)
PPL - Label rights, recording studio

RSL - Restricted Service License
Sync rights - to associate work with a brand. E.G. Songs in adverts.
Have to apply to the musicians before useage, very expensive
Production music - Doesnt require sync rights. Allowed to be used for any brand, "mood music" Such as V Production

PRS License for RSL. £463 a year or £1235 with ads.
Internet radio requires a Limietd Online Exploitaion (LOEL)
Can be topped up for listen again/on demand (but PPL doesn't have a license which will allow this)
Interative webcasting (like Iplayer) £107

Production - Neil Sloan
Forget normal Brain Storming, 3 alternatives

Realated world
Products that represent the target audience as starting point
Things about this product that make it sucessful
Apply these word/ideas to show, work these into features

List what the show currently is
Then note along side what they could be instead

Random links
Take two random lines (such as lyrics)
Link them together to think of ideas

Always use SMART Targets for Aims & Objectives
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Resourced
T - Timed

"Creativity if the life blood of our organisation" BBC

What makes great radio
Know your audience -> Connect with them
Reflect life
Dont over analyse what you need to be to be a presenter! Be natural

Plan what your going into a link with (In), what you're ending the link with (Out) and length (Duration)

"Good presenting is the ability to bullshit well"

Practice analysising small things, build your confidence
Decide your topics, disect them with brainstorm to give you plenty things to say about them.

Restart what you're talking about for late comers
Restate topic from another approach, new opinions/info
Recycle topics which have worked later in the year with a new spin.

TAKE NOTES all the time! Anything you notice could make a link

One link = One idea/topic. Dont do more then that in one link

Always bring things to a close. Can be done in another short link

Always tease forward, but be honest. Never say your going to tell a hilarious story if its not going to be funny.

Tips for shutting up an interviewee
Point! Listeners wont see it, it may sound odd for a moment on air but listeners will apprieciate it. Never do a live interview with someone who are likely to babble on. Pre rec and edit out all their crap.

Use phrases like "hang on a minute" "what we really want to know is" to steer interview the right direction

Dont be afraid to own your own show, its yours. Make it your own.

Let silence happen. It can work too your advantage.

Say things 3 times for it to imprint with listeners, use clips of stuff again twice more throughout the show.

"Suck it in and turn it on!" even if you're feeling awful, its SHOW TIME!

Always SMILE, you can hear it, people will smile with you.

LOvE everything you play, dont be negative about the music even if you do hate it.

NO HATE! Put a positive spin on it.

5 tips
In Touch

Know the end! (Out)
Don't be an Identikit presenter, be yourself
Dont lie!
Be 110% of yourself.

Luck will get you your break, look for it
Rinse your connections
Make the most of every oppurtunity
Work on your demo!!

See you at Conference!

4 Feb 2010 Back home

So this year started off pretty well, but for the last few days I've been back home home because my nans been hospitalised again, scary but shes managed to pull through the Op needed on her hip and is battling on as always.

Back to Portsmouth tomorrow, going up to Keele Uni for an SRA training day on Saturday. Looking forward to it :-)