27 Feb 2009 Changes

So its sent, my application for work experience at Radio 1. Its a really kick arse essay too... So I'll be devastated if I don't get an interview. I'm so excited about it. I really want this placement... it would solve everything. If I get it... I'll drop out and go home to Essex. Then I'd commute to London from there, and it's even perfect for train line. Great Portland Street is the place to be.

Plan B is to be started tomorrow, writing my personal statement for UCAS for a Radio Production Degree at Bournemouth. Wont need nearly as much kick arseness and I will probably take half of it from the application I've written for the BBC, but still... Exciting times.

I'm sad to think I wont be in Portsmouth anymore. I really do love it here. I'm not feeling very welcome any more though. I want another start. I feel like a failure... but even my personal tutor, who happens to be the head of maths, said that I've done very well to get this far with the results I got at A Level. They let me in to get funds... and now I've paid up and I can't cope they'll probably let me go quite easily. Not saying the Maths tutors are like that, just the uni in general.

I just want to know what the future holds. Not too worried about the distant future. The next few months would be plenty for me for now.

Its stressing me out quite a bit. I'm sleepless and I've got stress spots now. Ergh... horrible... and why do they have to be on my face.

The time is 3:47am. That was your news bulletin for now.

Much Love Emma

7 Feb 2009 Life a bit bizarre

I'm talking to Tinchy Strider on twitter, showing someone my dodgy light with my camera and listening to music though my stereo from my phone.

Its an amazing phone though! Nokia 5800... beautiful!

I need to make this blog more well known. I'm just posting things I've already said to Sean and he's the only one that reads these.

I am keeping this going for me to look back on too.
Apart from there is no keeping it going at the moment.

Flash flash.


Hmm so much for surviving uni. I've realised Maths isn't doing me much good and as a consequence I'm applying to do Radio Production at Brighton (In Hastings) or Bournemouth. I'm so confused about it all, and equally excited about the idea of Radio Production. I'm in love with it, and I'm getting advised by Greg James to go for it.

Risky but fantastic maneuver.
Wish me luck?

Going though the hell of UCAS once more, having to write a completely new Personal Statement, at least I wont have to wait until end of august to find out whats happening.

Much Love