30 Sept 2008 Is that... twiglets I smell?

Current Location > At my desk with honey crumpets
Current Mood > Shattered
Current Music > I need to get onto that... radio1s gone shit.

Someones gone and put toast in my toaster... already covered in marmite.
now it smells of twiglets in the kitchen because I used it for crumpets.

No idea who did it, but if it gets broken then everyones gotta chip in for a new one

I dont think Im geek enough

to be doing Maths!

^^ mmmm Pi

Argh, got back to sleep after the fire alarm to get woken up by the cleaners coming to clean my carpet to try and get rid of the bugs.
Which involved me having to removed everything from the floor...
And getting ready for uni talks at the same time.

Got my timetable, its pretty decent to be honest.
I sure hope there will be a chance to use these 23 maths cafe coasters...

Staying in tonight I think.
I went round to gunwarf with Emma and Charlotte for late lunch/dinner shaped food.


sorting though all my stuff... getting it all sorted and tidy

Might look at what we're supposed to be doing next week at uni and try and get ahead.. I sure as hell need it

Fire and Alarm are two very hated words, add them together at 7.15am after a late night out and its hell...did I say its raining?

The story is in the title.
Im FREEZING cold now...
and I didn't have to be up too early today.

Now what?

I feel sick :-(


Current Location > Bed
Current Mood > Sickly
Current Music > just the noises from outside

As if he only remembers the bugs.
Well I enjoyed myself

Player Sean, Player

No more then that to be honest

29 Sept 2008

Current Location > At my desk... for once I havent got my lead for my internet dragged across the desk, with my phone!!... I need to buy a longer lead for it!!
Current Mood > Silly! I just looked at the time, thought it was 8... began to pack up for the pub... and then realised it was only 7!
Current Music > Summertime - Whiley... Radio 1 again!..

I was gassed out by the guy coming to fix the bug issue... he went a bit spray happy with the fly spray.

Seems to have helped the issue for now... they were literally EVERYWHERE
Was a bit rank!

So regular fly spraying should hope hopefully!

Off to the White Swan in a bit, meeting up with the new maths peoples.

Love ittttt

Tuna for dinner is not a good idea with going out.. cleaned my teeth as much as possible though!

She was -bugging- all over me

Current Location > Pomplanddd
Current Mood > Irritated
Current Music > Radio 1, The Automatic - Steve McQueen.



They are literally littering my room and crazyily crawling out of my stereo.
Not amused.

Going to go though my maths leaflet presents now.

I... Like... The.. Way... You....... Erm... Move

Current Location > FLAT NUMBER 6!
Current Mood > Hopeful and eager!
Current Music > Radio 1!

Just been out for the registration and such for uni!
Lots of queues... and queue jumping (thanks Sean :-) )
and talking to random people.
And sitting listening to a womans presentation which was very loooooong... made worse by all the heavy breathing pauses... think Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle, but not quite as bad.

Went out with flat mates to the union last night, which I cut short by walling out because I had had enough of being ignored and stood in front of.

Meeting with the Maths people at the White Swan tonight, well looking forward to it!!

Really opposite of last night, I'm feeling tons happier then I was yesterday evening.
Thanks to Lucy for putting my mind to rest a little last night.

Love you all!xxxxx

28 Sept 2008 Craziest night ever!!

Last night was mad!! And all at the cost of exactly £0.00!
Fabulous daaaaaarrrrling.

Went out with flat mates, couldnt get into where they we're going
went towards the union, huge queue, joined some people in PJ's
went to Route 66, they left, made new friends, made other friends, talked to many people,
came home in desperate need of toiletage, msn'd Sean, partied!

AMAZING to be honest.

Dunno whether to go out tonight or sleeeeeeep
9hours of sleep in 4days turns Emma into a complete clutz.

The university fun begins tomorrow.
Lions Gate.

Sleep please?

Ill upload photos sometime soon!  


26 Sept 2008 Longest day in the WORLD

Well I havent slept in 32 hours, so its even worse.
but OMG Im at uni
and mostly unpacked

and Im the only one in my flat!
so it means I can sleep today without seeming antisocial

Sorry Canning, fly by visit from me earlier!

I've been hyper as a hyper thing today
but achey as hell.

Ill tell you more about it tomorrow with added pictures!


Sleep time now!!

25 Sept 2008 23:41

Its late again, and I'm still rather shattered

Currently listening to Alphabeat, liking it muchly
its very happy!

This time tomorrow, Ill be attempting to sleep in my new flat in portsmouth!


Love you hoosierland and geekworld
I wont be leaving you!  


Is going on!!!!

At 2am last night I thought I'd hang around till 4am to hear Greg James
who was wonderful covering for Scott yesterday afternoon.
So then I did, and Greg was great!... I started talking to Nik and Jess on UM
anyways, it got very funny, and I managed 5 shoutouts from Greg!
Even if they we're "Hello to Emma and Nik who's hidding in the shadows.. dont know what thats about"
And hello to us partying... and ermmm
well lots of other crazyness!!

So I fell asleep at 7am, as everyone around me woke up to get ready for school.
and was woken up by Ruth at 2.30pm when she got back from school..

So now, I'm packing the last of my stuff!!
I would show you photos, but my camera lead is packed!!

This time tomorrow me and my parents will be sitting in a big hall in portsmouth
listening to them chat about something fun.


Love it  

24 Sept 2008 Pooly?

Mandddddddddd; says (21:31):
i'm POOLY:(
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:31):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:31):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:43):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:44):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:45):
thats not good
Mandddddddddd; says (21:45):
nope, not
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:45):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:45):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:45):
I dont get it
Mandddddddddd; says (21:46):
what's to get?:S
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:46):
Poo ly?
Mandddddddddd; says (21:46):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:46):
what do you mean
Mandddddddddd; says (21:46):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:46):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:46):
not very well?
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:46):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:46):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:47):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:47):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:47):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:47):
there's only one way to sort this out
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:47):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:49):
Mandddddddddd; says (21:49):
1days away from Portsmouth!!!!!! "Eat you're brain? Claire thats disgusting" says (21:49):
I think I win

O.M.G... its fricken Wednesday!!


Enough said

23 Sept 2008 Phototime

I have been watching a lot of Becky Cam, which looks like this
and would also be the reason for the tiny amount of music listening on the left... radio overload over the last few days :-)
<3 Scott Mills

I got a message from Huw Stephens which looks like this

And then I got one from Scott Mills himself which looks like this

And I've also been looking at this photo, because it is....

I kid you not

I think someone was trying to out story me.
Good try Canning, but... you didnt quite set the setting.

For those who cant be bothered to click on my last blogs comment and read the story... here it is
(not that theres any reason to do this seeing as only one person reads this!!... but you wait Canning... I will have an audience of many soon enough!!)

Well i hope your ready for this...

that was quite an interesting story if ever i read one. It kinda reminds me of my youth...

A fair while ago.....must be, what, 2000? I remember a band show i was on with my fellow peers in the small town of Iserlohn in Germany. It was a quaint village, the town folk were kind and helpful when you needed them. Anyway our story begins, and ends bizarrely, at the railway station. Myself, Calvin, and Samuel were doing as most young teenagers do, and were busying our selfs by exploring and other general oddities. The older members of the band kept a watchful eye on us.
So during our exploring we happen to come across some batteries. Not any normal batteries, but AA batteries.
Oh yes, you read correctly.

AA Batteries.

Upon this discovery we were quite astounded, how anyone could discard of such a product. We set out to do the only thing possible.

Destroy them.

After many attempts, and a few scabbed fingers, we managed to split the batteries, and reveal the acid from within.

It was interesting, however when some 'steam' or what ever you want to call it, started rising from the stones itself, i shan't lie by saying i wasn't a little worried. being only 10 and all, and coming into contact with acid, I was fairly cautious of the whole affair, and quickly abandoned the scene of the crime, and from there proceeded to the nearest shopping centre....

Well there you have it.
a tail of friendship, peer pressure, adventure, and most of all - citizenship.

Hopefully you will take something away with you from what you have learnt, and put it to good use.

For now though.

Adios x

23 September 2008 01:19

So that and Sam mail has entertained me these early hours of 23rd Sept.
and Ive been fixing up my CV for job hunting as soon as I arrive in portmouth.

its actually happening, I'm actually going to be moving in 3 days.
this is the biggest thing thats happened in my life.
So... brace yourselves people... and let the madness ensue.

Ooh just figured which picture to show you all!!
Ill upload it in second!

Much Love

22 Sept 2008 On the internet

Daisy has internet now! Woot woot, she was actually on MSN and everything!!

I was just telling my friend a funny story from a while back about my really guillble friend, which of course, we both love because she great!

well I was sitting at under the gazebo with everyone, and I'd bought this ipod speaker thing, which needed batteries.
anyways, couldnt get it open because needed a screw driver
so I was asking people and they didnt
so I asked mand if she had any coins, because they might work.
she turned round and said, "no but I have this" holding out a 5, 10 & 20 £ note
I said "ah that will do" taking the £10
she let me take it
literally took the £10 from her, held it for a moment
then asked her how she thought it would help me
joking that I could use the money to go and buy one

I might upload some photos of things
I feel like adding some colour to this page  

21 Sept 2008 I win!!

Well, I got outbidded by a newhoo, but then she messaged the seller feeling really guilty and found out he had another one which he would relist for me today!
Which I just got on buy it now!

£9.09... bargain!
Cheaper then I was winning it for!!

Also... reordering Alphabeat today.
For some magical reason my no overdraft bank account has gone into -
but only by like £1

So HMV cancled my order.

I hope it turns up before I move.

4 1/2 days

18 Sept 2008 I have a cold

and I just feel rubbish!

One week..
and then Im going to be moving to Portsmouth

I need knives
and Blu/White Tak
and a potato peeler


17 Sept 2008 39p... going rate for an album?

Haha, literally just odered Alphabeats album online.
and I got a £5 HMV voucher for doing some surveys and things.
so I thought I'd see how much the album would cost
I promised myself I'd buy it with my voucher.
and it was £5.99
and then I got 10% discount for studentage!


On other news, done some more packing
and uploading CDs onto hard drive.

Not that football song...
nah nah... nah nah... nah nah..nah nah.. nah nah nah
has just started playing on my ipod

how random!  

Its like that, and thats the way it is

Radio 1 is sometimes a little odd

Hang on, I really should have put something to do with it's a hit as my subject
seeing as Sam just sent me a PERFECT quality, lovely echoey version of his and Irwins cover
of the song mentioned, which is originally by We Are Scientists.

But The Hoosiers version is a whole subzero level of perfection.
if you don't believe me, give it a listen...

or get out of here!

Because Im not interested


Ergh, horrible cold right now.
Dont think it helped being out last night
but it was the last time we'll all be together for a long time.


One week Two days


Last night at the Alex

After a bottle of rose and a couple of pints of snakebite...
Im home

and a little odded out (if thats even word)
by the fact that I bumped into my parents.... YES PARENTS.... at the bus stop!!

Very surreal...

Anyways, Ill sleep now and hope it never happened.

Very funny

Second and Last Alex night with the gang for a while
Sophie has got the train back to her halls,
Daisy is moving out this weekend
me the weekend after

So very sad.

How many times did I have to tell Josh to back off from Daisy.
I got half a pint of Carling off him and some crisps...
but still


Night night

or Morning morning as it now is.....


15 Sept 2008 Another day of nothing muchness

However I did get my new Ikea pillows and duvet sets (apart from the one I forgot) washed.

Other then that, more good news about Nan, who has now been moved to another room with other people in.
(She did have her own one)
and she is up and moving!!
Its going so much better :-)

one week three days and counting down.
I'm going out with friends tomorrow, to mark the last time we'll all be here.
Sophie's coming back from Chelmsford for it, as shes already moved out.
Daisy goes this weekend..
and then I'm the last to leave.

Was going to be going up to my Nanny Pat's this weekend, but because Nanny May is in hospital and Mum wants to be with her and stuff.
Nanny Pat, Uncle Andrew and Glyndad are coming down to see us.
And bringing many goodies for me for uni apparently!

Its all just about coming together now I think.
Just need to sort it into manageable carryable bundles for transporting.
seeing as there isnt anywhere to park that close to my halls.
Ah, what a cufuffle.

On other good news, I would like to say how please I am for a friend who's on the right side of a battle.
You know who you are! Keep it up my love! Very happy for you. No more nasty dictionary.com words okay?

Been making pretty Icons recently, I think Im getting the hang of "GIMP"
very handy, seeing as it was free.

Made the top banner for here on there.
good fun

Much love

Current Location > Still here
Current Mood > Tired!
Current Music > I hat Automatic - Steve McQueen stuck in my head. But I was listening to Scott Mills earlier, who thankfully is back in the right slot!
                                                                                                                And he played GMA!! <3

14 Sept 2008 What you're asking for means the world to me

You draw close as you whisper precisely... precisely

Sitting on my bed, with the oh so amazingly soft pillows from ikea.
waiting to stick them in the wash with my new bed sheets.

one week five days.
and Im out of here
and off to portsmouth.

little bit scary to be honest.

In fact, big bit scary
but bigger bit exciting.

my ipod charger has broken already
how annoying.

nothing interesting to say really

went up to lakeside with Mary yesterday.
and isnt public transport a pain!
replacement busses between grays and chafford hundred.
we went into the shopping center
had lunch
wandered for a few minutes
then treked to ikea, and god that place is big.
spent so much time oohing and ahhing over which duvets covers to get.
I ended up picking up one which was £30... woops
only found out this morning when I checked the receipt.
but got loads of stuff, and the total was £63

So its all good :-D
two new pillows

so good

cant wait to get to my new room!!

13 Sept 2008 More HTML distraction

I sorted out Zoes blog for her


It wasnt too difficult because she already had this layout for myspace
I just had to adapt it to a blog layout she liked the look of.

But I am still quite proud of it.
And learnt some new bits and pieces from it
which I will try and use.

I caught up with Daisy a little tonight.
Its good that shes going to be so close to my uni.
She's a great friend, and Im glad we can carry on being friends when we move.
If not better friends :-)

12 Sept 2008 Sock fairy

I delieved the socks
and the sandwiches

and now Im poor again

but Nans doing much better
she had some jacket potato
and sat in a chair


On other news
Adam and Cia are gay
Katie's lovely
Daisy's going to still be my friend and will live the same distance from me as she does now
Im going to lakeside tomorrow
and I still havent got much packing done

Its all fabulous



Perhaps Jarvey was right

I am a bit of a completist... I just looked though 35 ebay feeds of Hoosiers stuff
to find that theres not much I dont have. Apart from the tour flyer and limited edition album
which of course, I am now watching.

I listed all my Envy merchandise to someone on MSN the other day
And this is it

I have 2 t shirts
I have a set list plate (s)
a set list tissue
a poster
two flyers
2 magazine adverts
Jims drum stick
Alis plectrum
album (s)
highness record (s)
promo single (s)
highness single (s)

the (s) are signed

So what have I got of The Hoosiers
Red Album (s)
Singles x 4
WAR special double single
WCS record
WAR Promo poster, 1x2 & 2
GMA Promo poster 1 & 2
CAR Promo poster 1 & 2
Two copies of the Tour poster... (only copies though :@)
Printed photo (s)
Home made Team Hoosier t shirt for soccer six (s by Irwin)
Home made Team Hoosier banner (s by Irwin and Sam... washed away by the rain)

I guess that is quite a lot really.

Oh, and I havent even started on the songs I have.
Including all their Hoosier Complex stuff we came across

and then theres the photos and such.

Oh god...
Thats so much


Emma the Completist

Awake before dusk

I woke up at 11.30ish..
after a really odd dream involving getting home from a holiday via london tubes.
Then windy walking scenic routes with my dad... merging into looking after nan and Envy & Other Sins being there to do a gig on the grass verge.

How bizarre.

And then I woke up to find an email from Jarvey from said band.
Which is just a perfect way to start the day :-)

Going up to the hospital at 6 today.
They've restricted us to visiting hours only now.

Ive built a wall beside my bed made of clothes.
Which I had to try and jump over last night
but ended up walking via my sisters bed, dodging my sister.

I had her in fits of giggles though.
I was reading the fan fic and picking many holes in some of the things that had been written.
Like Zoe.... where did the random mirror appear from in the hospital?
They dont have mirrored walls my dear!
So we joked that Irwin was holding one behind him, like the ones from hairdressers.

Fun times.

I need to get up now

Current Location > my fortress of a bed.
Current Music > None, but something electrical is buzzing, ver annoying.
Current Mood > Quite peaceful at the moment

11 Sept 2008 One of those days

Where I could have slept in a LOT longer,
but was rudely awoken by an 0800 number calling my phone I couldnt find last night
I waited till the called back, which was an hour later
to find out that it was a wrong number.

By the time I was up it was too late to join mum at the hospital.
and shes back already because Vick got there early for her turn.
And now Nan's doing better, the hospital have decided that they don't want visitors there all hours of the day.
And will feed her themselves... which they didnt when food was bought round.
I dont think they realise quite how much time we've been sitting there feeding her though the syringe.
Not just hanging around .

I'm going to get to work with getting my room sorted now.
Clear space, clear mind.

Location > home
Music > Stuck in the Middle - Mika
Mood > Tired

I think...

I'm happy with it.

I'm sure I'll adjust the sidebar a bit.

but oh my doesn't it look pretty now

Very very pleased with it

10 Sept 2008 When I'm stressed I...

Spend hours with my friend HTML..
and Im happy to say, I think I've fixed it!

Now Im just making a background and such
and then it will be finished...
and Ill have to find something else to distract me

Another day at the hospital today.
Nan is doing better then when I saw her a couple of days ago.
But whether its enough for her to get out of hospital... anytime soon...
well... one day at a time.

Today I have been mostly feeding Nan food replacement milkshakes with a syringe.
Also on the menu is cold tea and water.
However, today she managed a little lemon moose (just googling to check thats spelt right... I keep trying to spell it mouse... and thats not what I feed her at all) which was good.
She told me once during the day that she didn't remember me, the rest of it she just went with the idea that she knew I was a good person because I was being nice and holding her hand and calling her Nan a lot.

Thanks for keeping me sane today everyone who was texting me.

And we have to do it all again tomorrow.
I might not go, I have so much to do.

But then.. I feel bad leaving mum to cope alone.
And not seeing Nan.

I'm so shattered, I haven't had a shower for a while, and side of the room is ridiculous.
But is it really more important then spending time with my Nan when it seems so limited?

8 Sept 2008 Envy & Other Sins

Me and Mum at Envy gig!
Me and Liz at Envy... oh & Darren the bunny ears Man
Cartoony Envy... like my editing skills?
Envy & Other Sins ROCK!! xx
My lovelys... xx
Me and Jarvey :-D


Don't pick loads of photos to upload, and then find out that it only lets you do 4 at a time
and then carry on uploading them

it will infact fill up your blog with crazy pictures

hope you enjoy them all nevertheless

Going to be unplugged soon,
dad thinks getting up at 1pm means I should go to sleep early..

London 27/08/2008

Me and Half the Feeling... well not half, because theres 5 of them. But enough to make them The Feel
Photobucket All of us & The Feel(ing)
In London for my Birthday, they're sure enjoying the escalator.
Photobucket All of us on the grass

Isle of Wight

Mary and Dad right on the edge of a cliff in the Isle Of Wight.
Isle of Wight with a dot that do be Mary
Does that Graffit say THFC?
Me and Mary... sideways :-P
Dad, taking his hat off to the needles
Dont say we didnt warn you
How amazing is the Isle of Wight! B.E.A.U.tiful
Me and my dad... looking in the mirror... this is how we really look
Skiping stones in a alley.. silly sisters
Me, Little Ruth and Mary reading in the background
RAY!... kinda... It got washed away just after I finished it
Dont park here
Or here
Where are we off to now? Dad
Ruth and the whispering telescope
Pretty view.
No Mary, Edward Cullen will NOT save you

Untitled... very untitled

Just in from spending the day up at the hospital with Mum and Nan
Woke up at 1pm... woops.
Got changed and then went with mum to the hospital.

I knew I needed to go and see Nan.. she was just so frail.
I nearly cried when I was in there alone, her breathing was very laboured and she stopped breathing for a moment
It really scared me, I wanted to shake her to get her to breath again.. she did by herself though.

I dont know if she recognised me. She looked scared... but that could be because she was in hospital.
But I didnt expect her to remember me, I havent seen her for a few months and her memory has detiriated since then.
I held her hand for ages, and she tried to talk a little.
But not much at all, and we could really work out what she said appart from Hello Emma after mum told her who I was.
And thanks after I put the blankets over her more.

Im okay though. Im a little annoyed because I came home to find that Mary was using my laptop and my Ipod without even attemping to ask.
Sure we're sharing a room, and the family computers broken... but seriously... she could have at least called me.

Now its really dark in here, I've shut the curtains and havent bothered turning on the light.
Dads asking if I want food now, so.... its dinner time


Current Location > Dark dark bedroom
Current Mood > I cant even think straight enough to decide how I feel right now... just a little blah.
Current Music > When the Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkey


Nans really not well.
Doctors are saying a week.
Shes not been eating properly.
And now shes too weak to fight the infection.

This isnt good at all


I think I'm getting somewhere with this blog now
I'm starting to like the colours of it and everything

Parents are still at the hospital.
Been told shes okay, just a water infection
and she hasn't been or drinking properly.

Making backgrounds and editing HTML proves a useful distraction yet again.
I mean, why did I make the whole of that website before?
and it wasnt because I had lots of free time...

I dont know what to do now.
No new Scott Mills podcasts to listen to.
perhaps just some music and some kalms
maybe Ill go and get a hot drink.

Night night online diary that everyone can read

Current Location > Still here... but comfy
Current Mood > Unsure and tired
Current Music > Nothing, but I do have "Having fun - The Runners" in my head.

P.S. Well I dont have anything left to say, but I thought I should continue with the P.S. thing

7 Sept 2008 Fuzzkit

Nans been taken into A&E
Mums in a bit of a state, they've just gone to find out whats happening
So Im here with Mary and Ruth

I havent seen her... since.. well ages.
I can't deal with her dementia.
and I just wrote that in past tense

and now I dont know

Shit, this song is not to be played during times like this.
Train to Brazil by the Guillemots

Progress is vital...

to getting out of this dump.

I see floor!!
And it's hoovered.
it does however mean a lot of its on my bed.

but hey ho.

Ive also packed all my posters... it took many lifetimes. But its done

Plan of action...
> don't sit online all day
> continue tidying and binning stuff
> sort out my clothes
> shove them all in a suitcase for easy transporting..
> move to the street
> tell Mary Im NOT naked.
> steal breaking dawn off of Mary
> tell Mary to shut up and leave this room.
> publish this blog and deal with the consequences when I'm older.

Current Location > On the tiny patch of space on my bed
Current Music > ???? In fact.... where has the music gone??
Current Mood > Could do with more sleep to be honest

P.S. I think I will keep doing this at the end, Im too lazy to remember it at the beginning.
"What are you drawing?"
"I dunno, Im meant to do something though, I don't know what."

Quick Blog

Haha, testing my quick blogness on Flock
love it

it works for my other blogusage... but this its different!

and its to annoy Mr Canning with an RSS feed alert
he'll get all excited and wonder whats going on
and then realise its a blog about him getting a new RSS feed

now that irony

ARGH I need sleep


6 Sept 2008 Good luck

To EVERYONE embarking on the next step of their lives.
Not trying to over play this or anything, but god Uni is going to be big isn't it...

Not only are we going far away, away from everything we know...
but we have to feed ourselves too.


2 Weeks 6 days... that erm... a lot of texting and listening to music.
but not much packing.

One question... why is there a a white rectangle with bored and... AND shading in front of everything on my screen, right here--->

And no... its not a postit note s&head..
(new word of the week, as created earlier in a strange conversation involving people pretending to be angry with the other while the other pretended to get over emotional... don't ask)

Much Love

Emma C

Current Location : Borrowed bedroom space, after I lost my room to my little sister, and am currently sharing with the other who is going to get the biggest room in the house all to herself! Riduculus isnt it

Current Mood : Mehhh... you know what I mean

Current Music: Over Over - Primal Scream (from the new album apparently, stole it from their myspace... sounds good... a little slow to be honest... but not bad for free music)

P.S. ... I really don't like that at the end, thats going top side next time... if there even is a next time Mr Canning.