30 Dec 2009 The end of the noughties

Well this is it, only a few days left of what started ten years ago, referred to as the noughties, and my hasn't the world changed since the day we woke up and ran to all the electrical devices to check that they hadn't been confused into melt down by the 99 changing to 00.

Started into the 2000's as a 9 year old, leaving it as a 19 year old, wondering what on earth we are going to call the years from 2010-2019... the ten's, the teens?...

I'm not sure what else to add to this, I'm a little lost in my world at the moment, heading back to Uni on Saturday, facing the prospect of deadlines and general busy-ness. So not really settled about this, just worried.

Still, not long till Pure FM get their new studios, and by that I mean... I get a production studio :-D

Watching Mary Poppins
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
